Employee Spotlight

Posted April 23, 2024

At Raymond, we have outstanding employees, so we decided to feature some of them on our blog. We’d like to highlight Kendra Millner, Contract Administrator for our Martinez, California office. With a 17-year tenure at Raymond, Kendra plays a pivotal role in overseeing the region’s contract administration, from review and finalization to managing insurance and bonding requirements. Kendra collaborates closely with Raymond’s project management and accounting teams to fulfill the requirements of our valued customers.

Kendra and her husband, Craig, have three children: Rowan (7), Tobin (5), and Jade (1). Their first-born son Rowan was born with a rare disorder called Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), which affects 1 in 20,000 births in the US. Those with EB face a lifelong struggle with delicate skin prone to blistering from minor friction. Medical complications are numerous, requiring interventions from various specialists. While there’s no cure, treatments exist to ease symptoms. Standard care involves daily wound care, pain management, and protective bandaging.

We had the opportunity to sit down with Kendra and learn more about her time at Raymond, her family dynamics, and how she juggles her professional and personal commitments.

What does a typical day look like for you? Most days, my husband and I start our day getting our two older children ready for elementary school before the baby wakes up. When I arrive at Raymond, I have a morning huddle with Aran Carlton (our Administrative Assistant and “Office Mom”) to discuss what’s on the docket that day, then I head into my office to get started. Usually, I need to answer what seems like a never-ending stream of emails, do a bunch of data entry, review contract documents or insurance, manage sub-tiers, or work on prequalifications. I try to get as much done as I can before I leave to pick up the kids from school in the early afternoon.

My oldest son Rowan usually requires several hours of medical care or appointments/therapies, which is a team effort (myself, my husband, our parents, maybe a nurse…depends on the day). After the medical stuff is done, the rest of the evening I’ll work from home to finish what was left over from the morning, then we help the boys with their homework and spend quality time with the baby before she goes down for the night. After that, it’s dinner and bedtime, and fingers-crossed that the kids all sleep through the night so we can do it all again tomorrow!

What brought you into the construction industry? It was actually a total fluke! While going to school for my Paralegal Certificate, I signed up with a temp agency for part time work. I was assigned to Raymond’s front desk for a few weeks. It just so happened that the current Contract Administrator was looking to retire soon and asked if I’d like to stay on and train into her position. The rest is history!

What do you like most about working in construction? I like how every day seems to bring something new to learn, or some unique challenge to overcome. It helps me to stretch my capabilities and makes me feel accomplished and needed.

What’s the best thing about your job? I’m always learning something new – like changes in the law that affect how we handle contracts or claims, or a new system or process to assist with Operations and Accounting, or landing a new client with their own preferences and procedures for running projects.

What is the most challenging part of your job? Finding that one word or clause buried in the hundreds of pages of contract documents that could either make or break a project, especially when the project is underway and there are different interpretations of who’s responsible for what.

How would you describe your career progression at Raymond? It’s been a long-game. I started with an entry-level position, and while I was training for several years to take over a higher-level position, I was able to assist in pretty much every aspect of the company – from operations, to accounting, safety, estimating, and marketing. This was incredible in helping me not only understand the position I would be taking over, but also how it would intertwine with every department. Being allowed and encouraged to expand my skill set means that my job is never boring and I truly feel like I’m part of a team and can jump in to assist with any challenge presented to me.

What do you like doing when you’re not at work? Although I don’t have much time right now for hobbies because the kids are little and everything is a whirlwind caring for them, I love to read and I enjoy crafts like crochet and quilting. And of course, playing games with the kids!

Favorite thing to do? I love to go camping, or even just sitting under the trees in my backyard listening to the wind in the leaves.

What show/book are you currently binging? I’m re-reading a series of fantasy/sci-fi novels by Brent Weeks, but I just got a big stack of new books for my birthday that I’m excited to jump into.

What music artist do you never get tired of? Volbeat – They don’t tour in the US often, but I’ve had the pleasure of seeing them live a couple of times now and they’re amazing in person.

Before working at Raymond, did you have any other interesting jobs? I only had one job prior to starting at Raymond, and that was driving buses at UC Davis, including their 1960’s double-decker buses that had been imported from London – those were very fun to drive!

What inspires you? My family: My oldest son has to deal with way more pain and trauma than most adults, but he is the bravest, kindest, most upbeat kid I’ve ever met, and he reminds me to take things in stride. My middle son is so spirited and loving, and a total goof ball, and reminds me to always show people that I love them. Baby girl is almost a year old now, and just the sweetest and silliest; I love watching her personality emerge, and she helps me see the lighter side of even the darkest days. And through it all, my husband is my rock – watching him with our kids, dealing with all my son’s medical issues, being silly with the little ones, and watching the baby wrap him around her little finger makes me feel blessed every day.


What is the best place you have traveled to and why? After college graduation, I went on a “grand tour” of Europe (eight countries in four weeks) and it was incredible. There was so much to see and learn about, so much beautiful art, architecture, and culture.

What country do you want to visit but haven’t? I’ve always wanted to go to Japan; it’s still on my bucket list.

What meal could you eat every day? Either sushi or pasta!

How do you balance your career and your family? I am very blessed to have such a supportive team at Raymond and allowed a flexible schedule so I can work around my son’s medical needs and other family needs. Plus, my rockstar husband and extended family nearby to help out.

What is something people are often surprised to learn about you? It usually surprises people to learn that I like Heavy Metal music. I don’t know why… I guess because I come across as reserved and quiet, I don’t think they can picture me head-banging at the mosh pit!


For those interested, we’d like to share a couple Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) charity sites close to the Millner’s hearts. Every contribution, no matter how big or small, can make a meaningful impact in the lives of those affected by this rare and painful genetic skin disorder. Together, we can make a difference and bring hope to those in need.

www.thebutterflyfamilyfund.org – This is a small/local charity in Northern California that focuses on helping the families of EB patients throughout the U.S. They send monthly presents to the kids, play Zoom bingo, and send care packages to caregivers. The Butterfly Fund is currently raising funds to help families attend the 2024 debra Care Conference. (The Millners have been connected with this family-run charity since Rowan was an infant and are currently on their recipient list.)

www.debra.org – This is a larger/national organization that funds research, creates medical publications/good practices, tracks a database of EB specialists and bandage suppliers, has a “supply closet” to help patients access specialty bandages, and puts on a bi-annual conference for families touched by EB.


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